Here you’ll find sermons preached at Roebuck Presbyterian. Click on the sermon title to go to the page for the individual sermon—where you can download the sermon and find descriptions, bulletins, sermon notes, and related sermons.
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Sunday Morning
The thrust of this passage is quite simply that we affirm that Jesus is coming. But first, before he comes, here a few things you need to know. The passage…
When the church faces such troubles, where should Christians focus their attention? How do you respond to trouble, whether it is trouble that others brings to you (some sort of…
Today, we look at the last verses in which Paul highlights how God is at work among us to accomplish the goals for the church (vv. 23–28). As a church,…
Paul concludes this letter by outlining his goals for the church and how the church can accomplish its goals. This is where the church is, this is how God is…
On the one hand, it is good to be reminded that God is at work in his church, especially during this season when things are so different and it may…
What are we afraid of? How does love help? Today we look at our fear of being rejected by God. We also look at the antidote to this fear -…
Paul responds to a question the Thessalonians posed: when will this return of the Lord take place? This was not motivated by eschatological speculation, but possibly by persecution—when you’re suffering…
Today, we look at one last strategy that Paul gives us for sanctification, and interestingly, it’s the same strategy that he will use to introduce the next section of loving…
Psalm 67 has been called the Lord's Prayer of the Old Testament. It shows us a covenant prayer to a covenant God. In this sermon, we see how praying is…
Today, we pose once again the question, Is it possible to please God? Knowing that our good works in Christ do please God, this passage shows us that Christians please…
Sunday Evening
The conclusion of Revelation is tied to the introduction (1:1–3): Rev is a communication from God, John is a witness to Revelation, and it is a prophecy communicated to the…
Tonight's message begins the last major section of Revelation. Earlier, Rev 19:6–10 announced the coming of the wedding of the Lamb; now we get to see that day take place.…
Tonight's message examines Revelation 20:7-15 which detail events that will take place at the end of the church age before Christ returns in victory and judgment.
Tonight's passage examines one of the best-known passages in the book of Revelation: the description of the 1000-year reign of the saints with Christ. What does this reign look like,…
Revelation 17:1-19:21 gives an expanded description of the fall of Babylon and the return of Christ, which were anticipated in the sixth and seventh bowls (16:12–21). The description of Babylon’s…
Revelation 18:1–19:5 gives a detailed description of Babylon’s fall. The question to consider here is, What does this act of judgment say about God? What aspects of God’s character are…
Revelation 17:1–19:21 is a more detailed description of the sixth and seventh bowls (see 16:12-21). Revelation 17:1–19:5 recounts the fall of Babylon (see 16:19) and 19:6–21 the final judgment (see…
Tonight's message explores the final series of judgments in the book of Revelation, the seven bowl judgments
Tonight's message (Rev 14:14-15:4) examines again the final destinations of believers and unbelievers as they are presented in reverse order from Rev 14:1-13.
Revelation 14 contrasts the final destiny of those who worship Christ with those who worship the beast.