Here you’ll find sermons preached at Roebuck Presbyterian. Click on the sermon title to go to the page for the individual sermon—where you can download the sermon and find descriptions, bulletins, sermon notes, and related sermons.
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Sunday Morning
God’s people must know what time it is, that when God acts to restore them he will also call the Gentiles to himself. Isaiah 56:7 declares that when it promises…
As Christians, we are called to stand firm and speak the truth. How are we to do this? This passage from 2 Samuel shows us the wrong way and the…
The temptation to make God into our own image affects every human being. More particularly, in the passage we are examining today, we see that those who possess God’s revelation…
In today's passage in Mark, James and John come to Jesus with the request, “Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your…
As we come to the second half of the passage today, Jesus will continue to press the importance of trusting him alone for eternal life. Do we trust him with…
The rich young ruler was struggling with trusting something other than God to sustain his life, and that is something we all struggle with. His wealth was the presenting issue,…
Today, we return to Mark 10:1–12, to finish the picture that we began to draw last week of a gospel-centered marriage. We need to give the last answer to the…
What does Jesus say about marriage and divorce, and how does it apply to our lives as Christians? Answering that question is the goal of our message today, and next…
What does it means for God to be for his people? What benefits does God give us in the gospel, and how do we enjoy them? Furthermore, what might diminish…
Sometimes the gospel seems too good to be true. In the passage, In this passage we see how the Apostle Paul addresses the things we sometimes doubt.
Sunday Evening
Tonight's message examines Christ's address to the church at Pergamum, a church that had experienced persecution but was also tolerating false teaching.
Tonight's message examines Christ's address to the church at Smyrna, a church which receives no rebuke.
Tonight's message examines Christ's address to the church at Ephesus, a church that had left its first love.