Romans 6:1-14; Matthew 1:18-26 The crux of Christmas is the hope of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to save his people from their sins. If we’ve died to sin, in Christ,…
Romans 1:18-23 Some who claim to believe in God don’t believe in his holiness. God is a God of grace, love, and holiness wrath and justice. Do you take God’s…
Romans 1:16-17 The gospel is the most powerful, transforming power in history. Are you ready to preach the gospel to everyone?
Romans 16:25-27 In this sermon, Pastor Winston leaves us with some final thoughts on the greatness of the gospel.
Romans 16:17-27 Despite the back-and-forth nature of the end to this letter, one idea comes through, and it’s the same idea that’s shone throughout the whole letter: the gospel, which…
Romans 16:1-16 Paul greets a number of people, the longest list of greetings, in fact, in all of his letters, who exhibit the characteristics he praised at the end of…
Romans 16:1-16 This list of names actually functions as a window into the work of the gospel. Just as we considered last week with Paul’s travel plans, so here we…
Romans 15:14-33 Look closely at what Paul says here and to see that when Paul gives us his travel plans, he’s giving us more than just an itinerary. You see,…
Romans 15:1-13 We see from today’s verses that obeying Paul’s instructions puts us in line with what God is doing in the world. Paul here gives us a script on…
Romans 14:16-23 Our bent is to put ourselves first and to do what pleases us regardless of how this affects others. But as we read in the Gospels, and as…