June 6, 2021

How To Be the Subjects of Our King and Priest

Passage: Psalm 110:1–7
Service Type:

Psalm 110:1–7

How can the ideal king also be a priest? That’s what Psalm 110 will tell us, and in doing so, it will give us another look at what life is like in God’s kingdom. Again, Book Five of the Psalter addresses an audience that is living in the midst of hostile world empires. They do not have a visible king on the throne. How can they be the people of God in that kind of environment? By pledging their loyalty to the true king. And who better to lead that pledge of allegiance than David himself?[1] Therefore, let’s look at Psalm 110 together which shows us how to be the subjects of our king and priest.

[1] deClaissé-Walford, Jacobson, Tanner, Psalms, NICOT, 838.

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