Genesis 26:1-11 We must frequently rehearse the promises of God in His Word as we often are tempted by and repeat the same sins as in our past.
Genesis 22:15-24 God’s promises of how and when He will bless us are better than the best this life can give us now.
Genesis 18:1-15 Our skepticism that God’s promises are too good to be true come from an incorrect focus we must first admit, and then change.
Genesis 16:1-6 The depth and breadth of our short-sightedness, cynicism, self-reliance and unkindness made it necessary God not rely on us for any of the regenerative work of our salvation…
Psalm 4:1-8 Who do you go to when you need help or when you are in distress? In Psalm 4, David has fled from his son, Absalom and he has…
Isaiah 61:1–3; Luke 4:16–21 Throughout this passage, the speaker declares that God has sent him “to proclaim good news” (v. 1), and “to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor”…
Isaiah 7:1-17 This advent season, we will look at different passages from the book of Isaiah that build our anticipation of Christmas by focusing on the presence of our Lord,…
Romans 9:14-19 The question we will consider today, then, is, why does God work this way and what does it tell us about his character? Can you trust a God…
Romans 9:6-13 If Israel’s story comes to fulfillment in Jesus, why are so many Jews not participating in the story? Not only is this an issue for Jewish believers, but…
Romans 4:13-25 Paul continues to demonstrate the priority of faith in God’s dealings with his people. However, Paul also takes a moment to focus on the quality of Abraham’s faith,…