Matthew 22:23-46 In this sermon, we look at the challenges concern marriage at the resurrection and the greatest commandment.[1] Each challenge comes from a different group, and each raises a…
Matthew 16:21-28 As we continue to look at these passages, we see that there is division and contrast even among the twelve disciples. Tonight, we will look at the different…
Matthew 12:22-37 The true Jesus shines in his authority (as the crowds begin to perceive) and elicits a hostile response from those who are determined to oppose him (Pharisees). Let’s…

Responses to Jesus

March 13, 2022
Matthew 11:20-30 Chapters 11–12 provide examples of people who respond in different ways to Jesus the Messiah (positive, negative, and somewhat confused [John the Baptist]).[1] Not only that, but chs.…

Christian Confidence

March 6, 2022
Hebrews 10:19-25 There are different kinds of confidence – confidence in the world, self-confidence, and Christian confidence. In this passage we look at Christian confidence and why it is different.