November 13, 2022

How We Can Live as Citizens of God’s Kingdom on This Earth

Passage: Romans 13:1-14
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Romans 13:1-14

As we come to Rom 13:1–7, we have one of Paul’s most extended statements about how Christians relate to the governments under which they live. When Paul wrote this Nero was on the throne, and while Nero’s early years did not feature the persecution of Christians that the later years did, he still presided over a system that was unjust and arrogant, and an empire that contained immorality and cruelty.[1]

How does Paul instruct Christians to relate to such a system? Well, Paul gives his full answer in all of ch. 13. While vv. 1–7 focus on government, the rest of the chapter continues the answer. Therefore, let’s give our attention to this passage today, where Paul shows us how we can live as citizens of God’s kingdom on this earth.

[1] Wright, Paul for Everyone, Romans Part Two, 84.

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