In this message, Pastor Winston looks at the final chapters of Jeremiah. Here we see the realization of the Lord's judgment - God keeping his word. We see God pronouncing…
So far Jeremiah’s ministry has emphasized four actions: uprooting, tearing down, destroying and overthrowing. But after twenty-nine chapters of warning about judgment, chs. 30–33 have a noticeably greater emphasis on…
In this sermon, we look at the section of Jeremiah that has been labeled as “Jeremiah’s confessions”: not confessing sin or the greatness of God, but more like laments (cf.…
Today’s passage actually finishes the conversation from the previous verses and shows us how serious it is not to take Jesus' instructions there seriously. You see how Jesus’ severe language…
In part two of Jeremiah, we look at how God teaches Jeremiah why he must preach and what he will say. We see Jeremiah speak God's word to the people.…
The study of Mark has raised a few topics that warrant further study. Tonight we will look at the Satan's fall.
This section of Isaiah begins a transition in the book. The earlier chapters focus on God calling his people to account and God calling the nations to account. In the…
God eliminates prideful nations. In this section of the book of Isaiah, he addresses the nations that surround Israel. God declares his sovereignty over all the nations and that he…
In this part of Isaiah, we see Isaiah's ministry during the reign of Ahaz. Ahaz is told to trust God. He is given a sign by God. But, Ahaz does…
At the end of chapter 2, we see that God will hold the whole world accountable for their sins and that we should trust God and not trust humans. In…