What difference does the gospel make in our lives? Philippians 4:1 sets the tone for the final chapter and establishes the proposition, “Therefore, stand firm in the Lord.” What follows…
My appeal to you from this passage is to consider where you stand in relation to the God of time. God controls history, and directs it to accomplish his saving…
As we examine the disciples’ actions today, we can identify with their unfaithfulness. We have all experienced seasons in which we were not spiritually watchful, and did not guard against…
Here is the thing we need to know as we enter this passage: not every story of unfaithfulness ends with failure. Woven throughout this story of unfaithfulness is the gospel…
You believe the Bible, and the Christian faith, but you still recognize areas in your life where you do not believe, or you struggle to believe. You find yourself crying…
When we worship, we fill the worship service with God's word from beginning to end. In this sermon Pastor Winston shows us from 1 Timothy that the elements of worship…
How do we know what to do in worship? Scripture must authorize how we worship. Scripture has authorized how we worship. The whole worship service is worship according to God’s…
In this sermon, we see the Apostle Paul's prayer for Israel's salvation. In this prayer we see that Israel was trying to obtain a right standing before God by trying…
Tonight's message examines Paul's prayer for the Ephesian believers in Ephesians 1:15-23.