Hebrews 11:1-16 The Bible presents us with a list of people who faced unbelief but lived by faith in the promises of God. We find a catalogue of these people…
Ruth 1:1-18 In this sermon we’re going to see that God accomplishes his purpose by means of his grace.
Matthew 7:1-12 In this sermon we look how to graciously deal with problems in the Christian community.
Matthew 6:19-34 For those who are outside of the kingdom, life consists of the pursuit of possessions, pleasure, honor, luxury, security, etc. For those who are members of the kingdom,…
Romans 1:1-6, 16-17 The goal of Christian ministry is to produce loving Christians by placing the gospel at the center of our Christianity. That goal, then, demands that we answer…
Psalm 139:1–24 This psalm is ultimately a prayer for God’s defense and vindication of his people. David rejoices that God knows his every motive, that God is present wherever David…
Psalm 108:1-13 As Christians, we live in the era in which this kingdom has already begun but not-yet been consummated. Like the exilic generation, we wait for God to fulfill…
Psalm 78:1-72 Israel’s history of rebellion and unbelief is recounted by Asaph. Asaph wants his audience to know “the cost of disobedience to the Lord and what that faithlessness has…
Psalm 73:1-18 Asaph is a person who serves God in the sanctuary. Despite his nearness to God and the sanctuary, however, he goes through a period of time in which…
Psalm 16:1-11 As we celebrate the resurrection life today, and the path that Jesus walked to obtain that life, it will do us good to consider what pathway we are…