Here you’ll find sermons preached at Roebuck Presbyterian. Click on the sermon title to go to the page for the individual sermon—where you can download the sermon and find descriptions, bulletins, sermon notes, and related sermons.
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Sunday Morning
Acts 2:42 To devote ourselves to the breaking of bread, we follow the Lord’s instructions to us through the Apostle Paul, and experience Christ as His New Testament disciples did.
Acts 2:42 Being devoted to the Apostles’ doctrine means making the whole word of God our highest authority for all our actions, thinking, and desires. It is Christ’s own teaching.
John 17:6-19 In Jesus’s prayer we learn about the great privilege we have, to be a child of God.
Psalm 45:1-17 This Psalm is a type and shadow of the wedding of Jesus Christ and his church. We should forsake all and worship the God-man, our husband and king.
2 Kings 3:4-14 We should turn to God in trust, all the time but especially during trials.
1 Timothy 3:14-16 In this passage, the Apostle Paul gives us a list of truths about Jesus. These truths were to be proclaimed so we would know how the mystery…
Romans 6:1-14; Matthew 1:18-26 The crux of Christmas is the hope of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to save his people from their sins. If we’ve died to sin, in Christ,…
Luke 2:40-52 In this passage from Jesus’s childhood, we learn about aspects of his identity.
Luke 2:21 In this passage we see Jesus’s first act of active obedience as a man under God’s law. We need a savior because we are law breakers. Jesus, the…
Matthew 16:13-18 What is this thing, the church? In this sermon we look at God’s methods and purposes for the church.
Sunday Evening
Matthew 22:23-46 In this sermon, we look at the challenges concern marriage at the resurrection and the greatest commandment.[1] Each challenge comes from a different group, and each raises a…
Matthew 22:1-22 After the parables, Israel’s religious leaders challenge Jesus once again. Various representative groups come to Jesus: Pharisees with Herodians, Sadducees, and Pharisees again, each raising a current issue…
Matthew 21:23-46 In this passage, we see the religious leaders’ response to Jesus (v. 23 identifies religious leaders as listening to Jesus, and v. 45 identifies them as the target…
Revelation 21:1-8 Let’s consider the Bible’s description the new creation. Everything comes down to earth and now heaven and earth are remade (earthly and embodied). So, how does the Bible…
1 John 2:12-17 In this sermon we see how the Lord enables you to live in a world that you should not love.
Matthew 21:1-22 We begin to look at these final chapters of Matthew (which cover only one week), which begins with Jesus’ confrontation with Israel’s religious leaders. Like a prophet, Jesus…
Matthew 20:1-16 If Jesus’ disciples are going to walk the path with him that leads through suffering unto glory, then these are the attitudes and actions that must characterize them…
Matthew 19:1-12 As followers of Jesus, we can listen to his words in order to be instructed on how to follow our master in the way he wants us to…
Matthew 28:16-20 Jesus gave directions to the church. Are we remembering our marching orders? Church planting is the ordinary. We can’t separate the church from its mission. In this sermon…
Psalm 64:1-10 In this sermon, we see from Psalm 64 how we can tear people down with words and how we can encourage people with words.