

Here you’ll find sermons preached at Roebuck Presbyterian. Click on the sermon title to go to the page for the individual sermon—where you can download the sermon and find descriptions, bulletins, sermon notes, and related sermons.

Today, we look at the last verses in which Paul highlights how God is at work among us to accomplish the goals for the church (vv. 23–28). As a church,…
Paul concludes this letter by outlining his goals for the church and how the church can accomplish its goals. This is where the church is, this is how God is…
On the one hand, it is good to be reminded that God is at work in his church, especially during this season when things are so different and it may…

Love Greater Than Our Fear

September 20, 2020
What are we afraid of? How does love help? Today we look at our fear of being rejected by God. We also look at the antidote to this fear -…
Paul responds to a question the Thessalonians posed: when will this return of the Lord take place? This was not motivated by eschatological speculation, but possibly by persecution—when you’re suffering…
Today, we look at one last strategy that Paul gives us for sanctification, and interestingly, it’s the same strategy that he will use to introduce the next section of loving…
Psalm 67 has been called the Lord's Prayer of the Old Testament. It shows us a covenant prayer to a covenant God. In this sermon, we see how praying is…
Today, we pose once again the question, Is it possible to please God? Knowing that our good works in Christ do please God, this passage shows us that Christians please…
On what basis are we able to please God? What role do our works play in pleasing God? How do we please God without becoming proud? How can we delight…
In today’s passage, we learn how Paul has been able to enjoy some fellowship with the church, albeit in a limited way. Through Timothy’s visit to Thessalonica and return to…
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The overview of the book of Leviticus continues. We see how the sacrifices point us to God and how we trust God for forgiveness. We see a God that requires…
Tonight we look at the book of Leviticus and the command to be holy. We look at how the Holy God defines sin, how God forgives sin, how God's people…
Tonight we look at the remainder of the book of Exodus. He we see how God spells out the terms of His covenant in the moral, civil and ceremonial law.…
The transcendent God comes down to make a gracious covenant with Israel. This is one of the defining moments of the revelation of the Bible. This event shapes the remainder…
God brought plagues on Egypt to show that He is the one true God. The exodus of God's people from Egypt is the redemption event of the Old Testament. Exodus…
The second part of an overview of Exodus. We meet the God who reveals and promises. The God who sets Israel free, the saving, sovereign God. Title and outline based…
This sermon is the first In an overview of Exodus. In this sermons we learn about the God who fulfills His covenant promises, who sees and remembers His people, who…
God continues His gracious promise after Abraham dies. See how He protects and preserves His chosen people from whom the Messiah would eventually come. Title and outline based on Paul…
A sermon about the God who calls and promises. See how the promises God made to Abraham look back to the original creation and look forward to the new creation.…
The first sermon in a series that is an overview of Genesis. In this sermon we meet the God who creates, punishes and renews. Title and outline based on Paul…
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Song of Christmas
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Nicene Creed
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