God is For His People

September 15, 2019
What does it means for God to be for his people? What benefits does God give us in the gospel, and how do we enjoy them? Furthermore, what might diminish…
In this sermon, we see the Apostle Paul's prayer for Israel's salvation. In this prayer we see that Israel was trying to obtain a right standing before God by trying…
Why was Israel separated from God? Israel was trying to get their righteousness by keeping the law. They were not seeking it by faith. Why can't the law bring righteousness?…
Why does Paul lament that his countrymen, the Jews, have not obtained salvation, when they tried so hard to obtain the law and the righteousness it offers? And how have…
Paul celebrates union with Christ as one of the believer's greatest blessings, but why does he tie it to baptism in Romans 6? Listen as we explore this text and…