Danger Ahead
In Mark 3:20–35, we see that Jesus’ family thinks he has lost his mind (v. 21); the teachers of the law think he is possessed by a demon (a liar or a lunatic or both [v. 22]); and Jesus makes the claim that he is Lord, the one who can spoil Satan’s kingdom, and be the determining factor in whether or not a person has been forgiven of their sins.
So, assuming the integrity of the biblical record, that Jesus actually said these things (and we do assume that), we are left with a decision: do we accept Jesus’ claims and submit to his authority, or do we reject him as deranged and evil? What we will see as we go through this passage this morning, is that danger confronts us no matter which choice we make. Accept Jesus, and there is the danger of being associated with a madman. Reject him, and we are guilty of an eternal sin (to use the language of v. 29). Let’s go through the passage together, then, and examine the danger of siding with Jesus, and the danger of siding against Jesus.