1 Peter 3:8-12 God saved us and established His church to be unified, in all we do and say, that we might have communion with Him.
Zechariah 9:1-17 In this sermon, we see the contrast between the kings of the nations and the Great King, Jesus, the contrast between the man-made religions of the nations and…
Romans 14:16-23 Our bent is to put ourselves first and to do what pleases us regardless of how this affects others. But as we read in the Gospels, and as…
Romans 5:1-11 As we come today to vv. 1–11, let’s begin to see what else there is to the gospel, especially in the life that we love in Christ. Paul…
Luke 2:1-15 As we come to this passage this morning, let’s not miss what’s hidden in plain sight. There are familiar events here, and we love to rehearse them, but…
Hebrews 9:6-14 Today’s passage, like the two we have previously considered from Hebrews, contrasts the worship of the old tabernacle system with Christ, the great high priest. But not only…
Ephesians 2:11-22 Ephesians 2:11–22 tells a story of reconciliation. And, like the parable of the prodigal son, it tells the story of our reconciliation, both to God and to one…
The passage we are considering this evening is perhaps the best-known Christmas passage in the Bible. It tells the simple story of the Savior’s humble birth in Bethlehem (2:1–7) and…
When the church faces such troubles, where should Christians focus their attention? How do you respond to trouble, whether it is trouble that others brings to you (some sort of…
What difference does the gospel make in our lives? Philippians 4:1 sets the tone for the final chapter and establishes the proposition, “Therefore, stand firm in the Lord.” What follows…