Paul shows from the Old Testament how the people of God were not to seek to obtain their own righteousness from trying to obey the law but that they were…
In this sermon, we see the Apostle Paul's prayer for Israel's salvation. In this prayer we see that Israel was trying to obtain a right standing before God by trying…
In this passage, the Apostle Paul appeals to the scriptures in the Old Testament to show that a right standing before God has always come by faith - trusting in…
Psalm 1 teaches that true happiness, or blessedness, is a gift from God to those who delight in Him. It teaches what the blessed man does not do and what…
What gave Simeon that peace he mentions in verse 29? See the blessings of obedience to God. See how the pious in Israel recognized who Jesus is. The benefits of…
Why does Paul lament that his countrymen, the Jews, have not obtained salvation, when they tried so hard to obtain the law and the righteousness it offers? And how have…
How can Paul say that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ? Romans 8:1-4 answers that by focusing on how Jesus died to pay for our sins,…