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Sunday Morning

Are you ready for the return of Christ? Today we look at the parable of the ten virgins and see that Jesus uses this parable to teach his disciples how…

Where Is Your Hope?

December 29, 2019
As believers, we have a hope that is outside of this world. In this passage, the Apostle Peter is writing to believers that have been dispersed from their home lands.…
As we come to the height of our Advent season, let us answer this question, What is Christmas all about? Why do we celebrate this holiday, and what is at…
Last week we began looking at this passage under the heading of the triumph of Christmas. We noted that the passage employs several contrasts, and we examined the first one…
The themes of darkness and light, of contrast, and of triumph emerge in the verses we have read today. John 1:1–18 constitute the prologue to John’s gospel, a beautiful and…
John tells the Christmas story differently from Matthew and Luke. He emphasizes the truth that is at the heart of Christmas: the appearance in history of God manifest in the…
It is important to understand how good, proper authority functions. In the passage before us today, the religious leaders directly challenge Jesus’ authority. What right does he have to come…

The Office of Deacon

November 17, 2019
Deacons are officers in Christ’s church who lead in the area of service. Why do we have deacons, and what do they show us about Jesus? Furthermore, how does the…
God’s people must know what time it is, that when God acts to restore them he will also call the Gentiles to himself. Isaiah 56:7 declares that when it promises…

Speaking the Truth

November 3, 2019
As Christians, we are called to stand firm and speak the truth. How are we to do this? This passage from 2 Samuel shows us the wrong way and the…
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Sunday Evening

Revelation 8 describes the second set of judgments in the book: the seven trumpets.
Revelation 7 gives a behind-the-scenes look at heavenly reality during the interadvent age (the time between the first and second comings of Jesus).
Revelation 6 gives the first series of judgments in Revelation: the seven seals. These depict God's direction of world events between the first and second comings of Jesus.

The Lamb who was Slain

September 11, 2016
Revelation 5 focuses on the risen and enthroned lamb (Jesus), whose enthronement inaugurates the events of Revelation.
Before describing the events of the interadvent age (the time between Jesus' first and second comings), Revelation 4 gives a vision of God's heavenly throne room, where Jesus directs all…
One of the first events of the book of Revelation is John's vision of the risen Christ, who commissions John to record the visions he sees in this book.
Revelation opens with John's greetings to the churches which exalts the God-centered nature of the entire book.
Tonight's message continues the introduction to Revelation, looking at such features as the book's author, recipients, date, genre, purpose and interpretive approaches.
Tonight's message introduces the book of Revelation, looking at such features as the book's author, recipients, date, genre, purpose and interpretive approaches.

Esther, Part 4

July 24, 2016
Tonight's passage examines the final section of Esther: the war between the Persians and the Jews. Title and outline based on Paul House, Old Testament Theology (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity,…