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Sunday Morning

On what basis are we able to please God? What role do our works play in pleasing God? How do we please God without becoming proud? How can we delight…
In today’s passage, we learn how Paul has been able to enjoy some fellowship with the church, albeit in a limited way. Through Timothy’s visit to Thessalonica and return to…
In today's passage, we see that God’s Word and work triumph despite the opposition of Satan and unbelievers.
This week, let’s look at three more characteristics of the genuine minister. Once again, there are truths here that apply to any calling, so let us all listen to the…
Do you have a real pastor? I suppose it’s a little unnerving to phrase it that way but we are all subject to the text. Furthermore, the thoughts certainly apply…
This passage shows us the characteristics that genuine Christians rally around. Therefore, let us this morning develop the second half of our main idea from last week: Christians should display…
The affection that Paul displays for this congregation should be imitated by pastors and elders who spiritually lead a congregation. And the Christian virtues that Paul highlights among the Thessalonians…
If you were to ask Peter, “How do God’s grace and human effort work together,” he would likely refer you to this passage. Here Peter insists on the necessity and…

The Fruit of the Gospel

June 21, 2020
What difference does the gospel make in our lives? Philippians 4:1 sets the tone for the final chapter and establishes the proposition, “Therefore, stand firm in the Lord.” What follows…
Today, as we conclude our overview of Daniel, we must decide how we will respond to the message of the book. Will we build our lives on the assurance that…
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Sunday Evening

Tonight's message examines how Revelation 13 parallels 12:13–17 in time and expands on the nature of Satan’s persecution of the church. The two beasts represent Satan's use of the governing…
Tonight's message examines Christ's triumph over the dragon's attempts to prevent Christ's ministry and the church's success.
The discussion of the two witnesses in Revelation 11 highlights God's spiritual protection and preservation of his church through persecution.

John Recommissioned

November 13, 2016
In this interlude between the trumpets and later judgments, John is commissioned again to deliver the message of Revelation.
We focus tonight on the fifth and sixth trumpets which highlight the spiritual torment of unbelievers.
In this passage, John highlights three themes that establish the believer’s assurance of salvation. [preached at the Fifth Sunday joint-worship service at Mt. Calvary PCA]
Revelation 8 describes the second set of judgments in the book: the seven trumpets.
Revelation 7 gives a behind-the-scenes look at heavenly reality during the interadvent age (the time between the first and second comings of Jesus).
Revelation 6 gives the first series of judgments in Revelation: the seven seals. These depict God's direction of world events between the first and second comings of Jesus.

The Lamb who was Slain

September 11, 2016
Revelation 5 focuses on the risen and enthroned lamb (Jesus), whose enthronement inaugurates the events of Revelation.